Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Hello guys... Time to move on


 If you are reading this, maybe you already noticed that  I deleted my Twitter account. Sad but true I guess. This will be long and without any order so you can read if you want to hahaha

Since the first time I started posting drawings on Twitter dot com, the idea was that I were gonna to delete my account after a year, but tbh things have being kinda tough for me, not my life, but yes my emotions hahaha, so I gave up before the year ends.
Drawing has become kinda unbereable. These themes aren't that funny to me tbh, I have to find a way to make them enjoyable but wasn't enough, and even worst I really think all  you deserve better than a dude pretending to be a porn artist hahaha. I sketched some ideas, but I've never finished them because of that. They ended up looking like a chore to me, and I not a fan of doing chores 😤 I got some ideas that I really would liked to make, but probably they would end the same: just a bunch of sketches far of having any shape. For real, I sketched like 2 short comics but I've never was on the mood to keep with them hahaha 🥴
Sorry if I some of you considered me a friend and I ended up being a bad one. I'm a very flawled person, this is just part of it hahaha. I know I promised some things and makes me sad that I'm pussy enough to not keep them, it's flight or fight and I choose the first one for my "own good". You can hate me for that, I deserve it lol. 
Maybe I'm stroking my ego thinking that important, since there are better artist than me and better people than me, but idk, I don't wanna dismiss even more what some people may feel, but anyway. That's life, people with more talent will come to the scene and I will become a memory, a short one, but I can live with that.
Besides all the shit, there are also some positives. I've learned some things about myself and even the way I draw hahaha. Met some nice pretty nice people and even recieve like... 2 nudes??? That's a good thing if you consider that was all thanks to some drawings and that I'm a virgin lol. Also I'm really gratefull for those who send me some dms to have a chat with me or even tell me that they like my drawings 😭 I wasn't lying when I said I'm shy as fuck. I hope the little I made is good enought for you to come back to it every now and then
 A funny thing to say is that, in a way, Tonitrvvm was the friends we made along the way 🤪


Thanks again guys and sorry, for real, I really grateful all the affection and patience you had with this looser virgin of a dude. This means that I would never comeback? idk. I don't wanna keep hopes up to you. Like I always said: life is always changing and I'm an idiot. Maybe I could come back out of necessity or even making passes with drawing dicks in ass; but if taht ever happens, I hope I can make things with the quality you really deserve. For now, I will look to the things as I always did, from far away.

Also, here. A compilation of some unfinished and other thingies. If you wanna finish them, redraw them, steal the idea, color them or wtvr, you can do it, I'm ok with it. Just respect my rule of the big one always bottoming 😜 


WITH LOVE- Tonitrvvm


  1. Dude your being way too hard on yourself. It's fine to be shy and a virgin, No one's going to judge you for being your honest to goodness self. I just looked at your file of unfinished art... I really don't see where any of it looks bad or with no love, all of it looks incredible, and so much dedication to the craft. It's fine if you would like to move on, but know that you were never a fake, you were a true bara artist/artist, and no one can take that away from you. Hope you find peace with wherever you want to settle with working. It was a pleasure to get to know you Tonitrvvm, wish you all the best in all your future endeavors <3

  2. Hey Toni, it's me corialice from twitter. Please don't be hard on yourself my dude, you're a talented artist and a good friend. Nobody is juding you and I get it as twitter is a mess but don't let this push you away from what you love. Just do things for yourself and what make your happen.
    I'm grateful to met you and I hope you have a wonderful future.
    Maybe someday we might see you again.

  3. It's okay to be shy, I'm a lot like that too. Your art is very good and I've been impressed with your style and skill. I'm sure whatever you'll decide to do in the future, be it art or something else, will turn out great.
    In any case it's good if it helps you to feel more comfortable, good luck with everything, perhaps we might see you again in the future.

  4. Bro i jerked off so many times with your art :'). Thanks so much for all your content. I'll miss you
